Private Browser Security A secure browser that protects your privacy is a critical tool for staying safe online and keeping your data secure from third parties.
Private browsing allows users to surf the internet without the browser collecting history. This is helpful if a survivor is concerned that someone may be monitoring their internet activity by going through the browser history. However, private browsing will not prevent someone from knowing what you’re doing online if they are looking over your shoulder or are monitoring your device with spyware.

Unless properly configured, most browsers contain vast amounts of private information that can potentially be exploited – or simply collected – by various third parties:

  • Browsing history: all the websites you visit
  • Login credentials: usernames and passwords
  • Cookies and trackers: these are placed on your browser by the sites you visit
  • Autofill information: names, addresses, phone numbers, etc.

In this browser security and privacy guide, we’re going to cover the following topics:

  • Best secure browsers that respect your privacy
  • Problems with other browsers
  • Browser privacy compartmentalization